Craniosacral Therapy & Lymphatic Drainage Therapy
Craniosacral Therapy (CST) uses gentle hands-on techniques to detect and support the subtle needs of your whole body to help reduce pain, tension and improve optimal health and function. CST works with the central nervous system (CNS) and surrounding tissues to help free tensions in the many layers of the body, improving the movement within the system to operate as it was designed.
CST is based on following core concepts 1) the body is self-correcting, 2) the body functions as a whole unit (based on the work of Andrew T. Still, MD) , 3) structure & function are interrelated,
and 4) movement is health.
Lymphatic Drainage Therapy (LDT) is another gentle hands-on technique that is used as a way to stimulate your lymph and body fluids. LDT helps one cleanse the body through the elimination of toxins and trapped proteins in your tissues through the stimulation of the immune system. Many people also find LDT to be very relaxing which in turn helps us release stress and possibly even emotional trauma.
CST is based on following core concepts 1) the body is self-correcting, 2) the body functions as a whole unit (based on the work of Andrew T. Still, MD) , 3) structure & function are interrelated,
and 4) movement is health.
Lymphatic Drainage Therapy (LDT) is another gentle hands-on technique that is used as a way to stimulate your lymph and body fluids. LDT helps one cleanse the body through the elimination of toxins and trapped proteins in your tissues through the stimulation of the immune system. Many people also find LDT to be very relaxing which in turn helps us release stress and possibly even emotional trauma.